Flat 12: The First

We're back again with another "two-parter" from a brewery. This week we feature, Flat 12 Bierwerks from wonderful downtown Indianapolis. We were able to speak with brewer, Erik "EZ" Fox and sales manager extraordinaire, Phil Hilligoss.

Sadly, we were down a podcaster. Adam was forced to go to Hawaii for 3 days and while he was back in Indiana for the show, he had not yet fully recovered from his island journey. Let us all join together in a moment of silence for the hardships he had to endure...

Now that we've got that out of the way. The episode is jam-packed with exciting 2018 beer release discussion and a review of Flat 12's Felicette Belgium Dry-Hopped Pale and their Pinko! Russian Imperial Stout.

Discussion then takes a momentary turn from beer discussion and we focus on Nicholas Cage movies, the right way to "shotgun" a beer, and cannibalism in Japan.

If you liked the first half, be sure to give the second a listen too!


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