7 Beers of Summer (4th of July Episode)

Who will be crowed the official thespeakpodcast beer of the summer 2020?!?! Tune in and find out!

We celebrate the 4th of July by sampling 7 beers and ranking them in order of bestest, to least bestest. We felt we were clever by picking 7 beers 'cause July is the seventh month of the year... And that's kind of where the logic stopped.

Here is our lineup on this episode:

Fountain Square Brewing Company: Working Man’s Pilsner
Rhinegeist Brewery: Mosiac Pale Ale
Black Acre Brewing Company: Saucy Intruder IPA
People’s Brewing Company: Ol’ Tavern Lemon Radler
Lagunitas Brewing Company: Little Sumpin Sumpin Ale


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