
Showing posts from April, 2018

BES: Blondes

Looking to supplement the fun you're having at Death and Taxes Day ? Tune in and listen to our second installment of our Beer Education Series. As Spring is here (technically) our style of choice is the easy and approachable Blonde. We'll let Brian and Brooke of Four Day Ray give us the BJCP style explanation and walk us through their Blood Orange Blonde on tap now. They then give us a sneak preview of their blueberry blonde at the end of the episode which will be released the first week of May. Or, if you listen close, we do let you know a few locations where it is on tap. Pete tried his darn-dest to locate some blondes to compare and contrast some beers of the same style. as you might expect, he failed. However the beers he did acquire generated some great conversation. The line-up for this episode included: Prairie Artisan Ales Prairie Gold, Evil Twin Classique Imperial, and Jolly Pumpkin Oro De Calabaza. If you like our Beer Education Series leave a comment,...

White Stouts

Look what's in your Easter basket... No, really, go look. That's right, a new episode of our favorite podcast! No, not the Last Podcast on The Left - thespeakpodcast! Come enjoy some jelly beans and peeps and listen to us discuss stouts as white as the Easter Bunny himself! Even though white stouts are not currently recognized by the BJCP we'll still drink 'em! We've got back to back Indiana beers. Starting with Ivory Stout from Brew Link Brewery and finishing up with Evil Czech 's Bigsby. Sprinkled throughout we have sound effects from Adam and Rob, discussion of time travel and ball pits and Adam re-enacts would it would be like if Oscar the Grouch were to speak like Batman and lure children in to his trashcan.