
Showing posts from May, 2015

Episode 19

"Episode 19" We bring you the beer, the super-secret special (seasonal) beer. It is another from People, Space Cowboy IPA, but as it is seasonal, we felt the need to review immediately. We do find a way to reference Star Wars and Futurama. You know,to satisfy our nerd following. Adam's three words to take away (that you won't find on the beer wheel) Smokey, laser, bubbles. After, we discuss the Space and the cowboys, we seek to expand your mind with news of the beer. The fellas pay homage to a beer company they claim comes from the author's home state of Wisconsin. I swear to God I am not FROM Wisconsin; I just lived there for a few years. And to end the show, Adam hits you with his famous, "Goodnight" several times. You're welcome, dear reader.

Episode 18

"Episode 18" We again visit a beer from People and sample their brown aptly named, Mr. Brown. Adam also finds a way to work in a Johnny Depp movie reference in to the review. This may well be a beer to use your patented Adam Beer Review Wheel and play the home game. We then make a seamless segway from beer, to Star Wars, to patriotism, to news. News from the world. News that matter to you, the reader. And, to no one's surprise, we manage to also reference Batman and Star Wars... again.